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Full Moon in Aries (10/16) (Zoom)

Full Moon Ritual in Aries.

Full Moon Ritual in Aries (10/16)

Wednesday, October 16, 7:30-8:30pm ET on Zoom
Replay provided

We know that Full Moons can be a highly emotional time of the month. Emotions are water and we know that the Moon moves the tides of the Ocean, so it would be easy to understand that our emotions would be moved around by the magnetism of the Full Moon, and then again, we tend to forget every month or simply over underestimate its impact.

I invite you to join me on Zoom for a one hour deep-dive into the awareness of your inner tides and where you are being invited to navigate resolving your emotions. 

I always say that emotions are the messengers of the soul, letting us know how we are feeling deep inside and alerting us of the issues or circumstances we must process, in order to grow and evolve.

We are in the season of Libra, a time to cultivate balance in our lives, the Full Moon during this season carries the energy of its opposite sign, Aries. 

The Full moon in Aries can be a powerful time for action and self-discovery, encouraging you to embrace your individuality and pursue what truly inspires you.  It is a time to gain emotional clarity by letting go of a few things that Aries can create in us such as:

  1. Fear of Taking Risks: Aries is all about courage and boldness. Let go of hesitations and fears that prevent you from taking necessary risks in your life.

  2. Self-Doubt: Release negative self-talk and doubts about in abilities. Embrace your strengths and believe in your potential.

  3. Stagnation: Let go of habits or situations that keep you stuck in a rut. This is a time to move forward and embrace change.

  4. Old Grudges: Aries encourages directness and honesty. Consider releasing any lingering resentments or grudges that hinder your emotional freedom.

  5. Over-dependence on Others: Focus on your independence and let go of any dependencies that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

  6. Lack of Focus: If you’ve been scattered in your pursuits, this full moon is an excellent time to release distractions and hone in on what truly matters to you.

  7. Fear of Conflict: While Aries can be confrontational, it's also about authentic communication. Let go of the fear of addressing issues head-on.

Are you ready for this???  Join me for this Full Moon Ritual on Zoom!

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Full Moon in Pisces (09/17)

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Sound Healing Reconnect at Souk Studio (in person)